Octavia learns magic

Posted on 17/06/2010 by vabry in Humanoids
Octavia We already talked about Octavia, the Navy's android, a couple of weeks ago. Today, here's Octavia again in a video alongside a magician. The conjuring trick requires the robot to guess under which cup the object is hidden after they've been mixed up. The humanoid guesses correctly without any problem until the magician tells it to turn its head. It's not fair to the poor robot! In the end, it's not serious. Octavia is intended to promote further research in human-machine interactions, and it will soon be a member of the Navy personnel. The robot looks rather friendly and endearing. Watch the video: Another video from 2008: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQS2zxmrrrA via botjunkie
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