New Microcontrollers and 32 Bits Category at RobotShop

Posted on 11/06/2010 by vabry
32-bit-Microcontrollers RobotShop blogs will have a new Microcontrollers category which will showcase the new corresponding products available in our online robot store (for example, the 32 bit microcontrollers here). Think back, we recently introduced you to the domino FEZ microcontroller by GHI Electronics. To mark the arrival of the store's new 32 bit category and the blog's microcontroller section, we're offering you an interesting comparison between the leading manufacturers of microcontrollers via Google Trends: you can see a real trend in the interest of Arduino, especially since the end of 2006, beginning of 2007. arduino, basic stamp, basic micro, picaxe, pic microcontroller Arduino-trend Second comparison: arduino,freescale,nxp,microchip Arduino-trend Watch this great video presentation of Arduino on the BBC too:
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