On March 30, 'Les Promesses de la Robotique' (the promises of robotics) meeting was held at the
'Mardis de l'Innovation' (Innovation Tuesdays) in France.
The guests discussed the progress of robotics and its applications in our modern society.
Amongst those attending were several recognizable faces from leading companies in the field: Philippe Nikolov (Carrefour des possibles), FING, Bruno Bonnell from Robopolis, Bruno Maisonnier from Aldebaran Robotics, Vincent Dupourqué from Robosoft and Jean-Christophe Baillie from Gostai.
Bruno Bonnell, founder of Infogrames and Infonie, is the director of
Robopolis in France and also the president of
SYROBO (European Robotics Association).
We suggest you read
the Sanscontact blog article (in French) which summarizes the day of the 'Promesses de la Robotique'.