i-Limb Pulse by Touch Bionics

Posted on 13/05/2010 by vabry in Medical
i-LIMB Pulse The bionic hand by the British company, Touch Bionics, is called i-Limb and its purpose is to replace the amputated limbs of people who have suffered accidents or injuries. The i-Limb Pulse is a revolutionary robotic hand-arm which can grab objects in a natural way. As well as shaking hands with friends, this prototype can carry a load of 90 kg! The big advantage of the Pulse over its previous versions is that it's fully programmable with its BioSim software from Touch Bionics. Basically, the doctor can adapt each hand according to the needs and characteristics of each person. i-Limb More information on Touch Bionics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoD6lGW1Cvw
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