Hospi: the robot for hospitals

Posted on 18/03/2010 by vabry in Medical
Hospi Hospi is an autonomous robot created by Panasonic and intended for South Korean hospitals. Hospi can move around patients' rooms and serve meals, clean laundry, medication, X-rays, documents to sign, etc. This type of robot has been used in hospitals in Japan since 2006. Equipped with a video camera with morphological detection and a laser detector, this robot can avoid obstacles and people in its way by slowing down intelligently. Hospi travels at a speed of 1 meter per second. It measures 1.30 m in height and weighs 120 kg. Its battery lasts 7 hours and it can recharge by itself enabling it to operate 24 hours a day. Nurses should be happy because this saves them from going backward and forward for nothing. via plasticpals
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