Gitex Robot: a very realistic singing and dancing giant monster

Posted on 29/01/2010 by vabry in Prototypes
When one looks at this video for the first time, an immediate question always comes to mind: Is there a human being inside? Well, actually it is not clear, but is possible... Whoever truly knows the answer, please explain it in the comments. The giant Gitex robot demands respect with its size, its appearance, and its rapid movement. If you happen to see it entering your house, I think anyone would be scared, or think that it is something out of the Terminator or the Robocop movie. Although it sings, dances, and charms the ladies in the room, when it speaks in its normal voice, it frightens all children and babies :-) This huge robotic "thingy" manufactured by Panasonic was displayed at the Dubai World Trade in late 2009.
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