Fish Robot Leader

Posted on 08/06/2010 by vabry in Underwater
fish robot Here's a fish robot that can lead an entire school of fish. Researchers at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University has managed to create a robotic fish capable of displaying leadership and being the leader in a school of fish by using mathematics and artificial intelligence. One possible application for this new fish prototype would be to lead schools away from man-made disaster areas. The BP oil leak is a good example. In this way, a large percentage of underwater fauna could be saved and taken to clean water. For the time being, the fish robot is only evolving in a small pool of water. The next step is to create an automatic recharge system for the electric motor. For example, using vibrations from underwater currents, waves, etc. So this born leader could work for weeks in order to escort its fellow creatures in flesh and fishbone into drinking water. via
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