Don't squash it! World's smallest flying robot takes off

Posted on 06/05/2013 by robotshopmascot in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Tags: Harvard, RoboBee
The Wyss Institute at Harvard just unveiled the smallest robot capable of flight. The "RoboBee" weighs less than a gram and can steer, hover and take off by flapping its wings more than 120 time per second. As shown in the video below, it's quite stable and maneuvers well using its electric muscles to flap its wings. If you are wondering what useful tasks these tiny robots could do (besides spying on the neighbors), they are intended to assist real bees in pollination efforts, as distributed environmental sensors, and as scouts in a search-and-rescue operations. What would you do if you saw a tiny robot flying around you? Leave a comment with your answer.
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