Dagu Polymorph Plastic Polymer

Posted on 19/05/2010 by vabry
Dagu Polymorph Polymorph RobotShop has just received a new product in stock that might please those who are building robot prototypes. The Dagu plastic polymer is a non-toxic and biodegradable polyester polymorph element. RobotShop is one of only two distributors in North America to distribute it. This polymer can be a modeled to take any shape, just by reheating it and by placing it in hot water or in a microwave (for a few seconds). Once heated to 60 degrees, the plastic becomes transparent and can be reshaped by hand to take the form you want to give it. When it cools, the material is seems like nylon or white plastic. This product is ideal for roboticists who can create endless robot ideas. Order it on RobotShop. Dagu Polymer
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