A-Pod: The Hexapod by Kare Halvorsen

Posted on 21/04/2010 by vabry in Prototypes
A-Pod Designer Kare Halvorsen has updated his Hexapod robot. It looks more like a giant ant, very realistic. Since 2009, Kare has been improving its operation and his prototype can now manipulate objects more easily. The hexapod has 2 degrees of freedom on the abdomen and 3 on the head, and has 6 legs with 3 DDL each. The robot has about 25 servo motors and is operated by a 2.4 GHz RC transmitter. A giant version of a robot like that in the street... would you be scared? :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDaNkff5Yyg via pp
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