Your most lethal component in your work room

Oh my god! What are you

Oh my god! What are you using this for?

Re: Your most lethal component in your work room

Me !!  :wink:

a cheap multimeter with an

a cheap multimeter with an unfused 10amp range.
theres a label that says: “unfused MAX 10 sec EACH 15 min” :stuck_out_tongue:


Well this one is simple

If you were to base it on total number of injuries, a regular utility knife beats all most all other tools combined.

Nope, the little wire bits

Nope, the little wire bits hiding in the carpet!

Drill press or bench grinder

Statistically - i.e. from publically available figures -  the most dangerous thing I have in my workshop is my drill press. It’s pretty shocking the number of fatalities and major accidents these things cause. Mostly from when people hand-hold stuff in the press, especially thin sheet, and the drill siezes and whips the item around.

Of the guys who taught me how to be a use the tools I have to produce something of even half arsed quality ( mostly by shouting at me a lot
 ), one of them had 2 fingers missing - from sheet brass snagging on the drill and cutting them clean off when he was an apprentice, and another had a glass eye from drilling out titanium/lithum alloy too quickly and the dust ignited.


The tool which scares me personally the most is the bench grinder. Especially using cup wheels used for sharpening milling cutters:–1-14-taper-cup-wheels-671-p.asp

They are heavy things turning at very high speed, and if they break, they explode pretty violently. I have never had one let go while I was using it, but my friend was using mine to try to sharpen some ball ended 2 flute milling cutter in a home made jig.He got the angles fractionally wrong, the wheel went bang, and I ended up with a 3 inch hole punched through my workshop roof, which is 18mm 7-ply plywood with multiple layers of fibreglass over the top. If that had have hit him, it likely would have killed him.



Actually I would put my

Actually I would put my hotglue gun in the first place. besides the soldering iron it caused to most injuries by dripping hotglue to my fingers.

dude that does NOT count as

dude that does NOT count as an injury, thats a minor discomfort. :stuck_out_tongue:

i have those like every other week or so

Haha i knew that somebody

Haha i knew that somebody will call this ridiculous ;-)and you are right, but this is right now my most dangerous tool since I got the burn already 3 times in the last 2 weeks (yeah, there is not enough pain to learn from)


Does a 5 year old count.
Ahh he is a chip off the old block. Everything must be connected, everything must be hooked up and everything must have extra lights and be turned on.
so alike, and also so dangerous.

I once came down to my basement workshop, and he had inserted about 20 LEDs into the power rails of my breadboard and was then asking how to power it up.

Another time, I had stripped down an old RC car to get a picaxe brain, I found him cutting all the motor wires, telling me he was fixing it. :slight_smile: funny now, not then.

By the way
how unreal is it that the capacitor doesn’t have a warning on it.

Table saw for me

I think its because I can easily visualize my hand going through and leaving my fingers on the other side of the fence.

Although honorable mention definitely goes to the bench grinder.
I worry about the angle grinder I have too, but it’s way too much fun to stay scared at.

I’d say that I am the most

I’d say that I am the most dangerous thing in my workshop, since accidents tend to happen when I get lazy, sloppy, or simply temporarily stupid.

I once foolishly ran a thin board through my table saw in such a way that the piece got pinched between the blade and the fence. A scrap came shooting back and me and hit me in the chest hard enough to cut skin through my shirt. I came away lucky and with a new held respect for using my saw properly.

I say watch out for those

I say watch out for those clipped leads from like LEDs. I was brushing them off my table once when I brushed one into an edge it went straight through the bottom of my finger and out the top near my nail. That was my only major thing and it was not major. Not too much pain since it was thin, but it looked cool.

The most dangerous thing in my workshop is firstly my dremmel and secondly my soldering iron .

When I was sanding a board a piece of the board broke and if I haven’t moved fast enough at the moment I would have only one eye.

I was using my dremmel

Respect for the saw

Last year I took wood shop in school and do do anything we had to pass a safety course and one of the things was to never stand behind the blade.

That’s sound advice, and

That’s sound advice, and absolutely true. 

Working with a thin piece on the table saw as I was, I drifted into line with the blade. I was at least smart enough to use a push stick. ; j

Anyway, it was a lesson I won’t forget!

Oh man
If my vote isn’t

Oh man
If my vote isn’t for me, then it would probably be my knife.


Years back I was trying to drill a hole in a brushed aluminum light switch cover without clamping it down
just good old fingers holding it down to the bench.  The drill caught and spun it around taking the whole outside of my thumb with it.  It was pretty gnarly.  Nothing like showing up in the ER when my mom is working (she’s the triage nurse) with a blood soaked towel wrapped around my thumb

High power RF amplifier

When I was in High School, (mid 60’s) I was working on a 4,000 watt PEP linear amplifier, (RF). I was taking some measurements on the plate supply, (3,000VDC), I went to adjust the meter and got between the plate and chasis. I woke up 10’ away with 3 veins punctured in my right arm where it went in and 3 veins punctured in my left arm where it went out. That unmistakable smell of burning hair was everywhere and it was weeks before the pain in my arms went away and they started working right again.

Dude you are lucky that you

Dude you are lucky that you can still write this. The current that hit you was probably high enough to kill you right on the spot.

I once got hit by 8000V AC but just a few microampere, so the hit was not that strong to injure me but it was a quite tingling experience :slight_smile:

25kV at 30mA, not fun.

25kV at 30mA, not fun. Flyback transformer.