TurtleBot 4: The Next Generation in Accessible Robotics

The "TurtleBot" might have the name of one of nature's slowest creatures — but make no mistake, this powerful piece of equipment represents a rapid leap forward for robotics development. With the new TurtleBot 4 Mobile Robot coming soon this fall, the next-generation robotic platform for learning the Robot Operating System (ROS), it's more relevant than ever to take a look back at how the TurtleBot came to life.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/blog/show/turtlebot-4-the-next-generation-in-accessible-robotics
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Yes and a beautiful platform it is.

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And my new TurtleBot 4 Lite - “WaLI” (Wallfollower Looking for Intelligence)

Thank you RobotShop, and ClearPathRobotics, and iRobot, and Luxonis and …

How much was the overall cost?

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Quite high-end product. What are some applications of this robot?