
What else can I say WOW!!

What else can I say WOW!!


OMG! this is RAD!


I have got to get me one of these. You, my friend deserve an award.

That is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen…

… are you going to sell them?

Fugg, that’s so epic

Only psuedo-cursing can convey my impressions. If I had a hat I’d take it off to you. Amazing, fascinating, and hella cool. I think you just sunk my plans of making a badass ridable balancer. I’m not following this act… :smiley:

Well done, well done. bOd

Incredible! That is soo cool

Incredible! That is soo cool and fascinating. You, Sir, play like a boss!


Great idea and execution.

Superb. You have set the bar high now!



I kept a pretty detailed

I kept a pretty detailed BoM while getting all the parts together, and I tried to use off the shelf components where I could, with the idea that building more to sell could always be an option.
Unfortunately the hub motors I used aren’t being made any more, so I probably be looking at a bit of a redesign for the ‘next model’ =)

You have such a well behaved kitty. :stuck_out_tongue:

Very kewl. I wonder if the altitude is a bit skeery though?

Yep, scares the hell out of

Yep, scares the hell out of my fiancée at least. I’m pretty short too, can’t wait to see some of my taller friends give it a shot =D

Mk II - definitely lower to the ground.

Skateboarding Is Not A Crime

Rock on fellow. I see you balance on it like in your (possible?) old days of shredding the streets of your town. Next is a 50/50 here and a kickflip there. Wonder how to ride this Tilter in a proper halfpipe. Keep up the good work, TeleFox.

That is amazing

Please make sure everyone has one for October 21, 2015; I’d take this over a hoverboard any day, this beats the future!

Awesome job!

Awesome job!


Wowwww very impresive…

Fantastic project

Fantastic project Tele-Fox,

Great design and amazing  PID skills !

Thank you all for your kinda

Thank you all for your kinda comments and feedback.

Sadly it looks like Tilter is heading for an early retirement… which I guess means I will have to start working on Mk II sooner than expected =)

These are really bad news.

These are really bad news. This project looks so promising. Good luck with Mk II.


Does your tilter  use encoder?


Hey, sorry for the late

Hey, sorry for the late reply!
No encoders used on this project, just the IMU. I can’t detect when the wheels are slipping, but other than that the torque is so high that I did not have any problems.

This is Amazing! Anyone can

This is Amazing! Anyone can be Tony Hawk! (n_n) /