Sienna's Random Robot Thread!


As Darth Vader would say: “Most impressive!”


Wow! nice job sienna!

Thanks guys!

First steps, not too impressive…

I am having trouble with getting the servos to launch the robot off its feet, so it doesn’t drag the leg. Although, I think the problem more is on my interaction with SEQ, as I am still learning it. (There has been some unintentional launching of the robot so far though :8)

Nah it’s super-cool, don’t be so modest. :wink:

I think it’s a really unique and original looking gait. It has a fantasy vibe to it. Fun project!

Wow! It walks pretty well for a tripod! Congrats!

I think that’s really cool. And your setup is super nice. Good work!!

It’s a bird, it’s a plane! No, it’s Sienna’s flying TriPod! :smiley::smiley:


It looks cool. Might try to keep the feet under the bots COG. Get into the region of falling and controlling the fall. Think maybe much shorter but faster leg movements. Anyway it looks fun.

Yea not as easy as it looks to get that 3 legger to run…!!

What I was looking into was the clone wars robots in the star wars movie that are in the robot factory and in the fight scene in the arena.

they roll out and open up into tripods…they balance on two legs then move the other to walk…falling forward so to speak.!!

I thought a balanceing robot could do this fast enough to run if you wanted it to…very complex progaming but it should work.

I was going to implament this idea with my quad… 8)

ck out the scenes and you’ll see what I’m talkin’ about…

sorry no clip.


runs around the room happily

NIICE way to shift the weight on the following leg sweeping back and forth. CUDOS TO YOU 8)

Contrapulations!! :smiley: You definitely rock!


Great work! Did you use SEQ to make this moves too? I bet it took some hours to make these motions with only FK (forward kinematics).

(It is the Phoenix parts you used? :wink: )

Yes, it is all SEQ FK right now. It did take a little time (maybe five hours or so) to make the gait. The hardest part was finding the right angle for the hip servos so that kicking off didn’t fall back immediately nor fall forward (poor thing did both many times :frowning:) Once that was done though, it progressed rapidly.

(And we won’t mention my deletion of my first few hours of work because of stupid human error…)

And yep! Those are Phoenix parts!

I’m impressed. :smiley:

I made an almost exact duplicate of that robot two years ago, intending to call it an April Fools project, but I never got around to uploading it. Very well done! :wink:

WOW!!! I had to take the time to tell you that it’s most impressive!!!

I don’t know what to say!!! it’s really great! Cudos!

Last FK sequence hopefully (a tweak on before)


Wow, it looks even better, he looks like he is really balancing, is back leg advances perfectly! So do the other ones…

You must have put a lot time into programing this bugger! :laughing:

How close can you get three servos with SES?

I dunno if this is the smallest way, but its pretty tight in there!

that’s pretty good. :slight_smile:

put a pan and tilt at each ankle with a foot pad and it should make creating a stable gait much easier. still wish we could come up with a way to make a compact two-servo ankle joint like they do on the bioloid.