Runner Robot (Original Idea by Brainergizer)

Hi, everybody! This is not my first robot, but it *is* the first robot I have built without a kit!

It's based on a robot built by a guy known as Brainergizer (I'll leave it to you to find him- Google is your friend).

So yes, I am clearly still a beginner in robotics, but I do give full credit for this robot idea to Brainergizer. Since I already have the building process for this robot in the provided URL, I have decided to instead provide some pictures of the robot in progress, but with the final materials.

Hope you like "him"!

P.S. I would link directly to this robot's video, but the video contains music from a video game... So sadly, I am putting it in the URL section. Thank you for your understanding.


Finally put the stuff in this post I realized wasn't there... Whoops!

Just rolls along

  • Power source: One 9V battery
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Is the motion more “hopping”? Even though you might consider yourself a beginner, add some felt and googly eyes and you have yourself a cut alien creature.

Thank you for your reply!
Believe it or not, no, it actually rolls instead of hopping! I assume it’s because of differing building materials (and a different size for the whegs).

And yes, I also think it could make for a very cute alien creature! Maybe I could also “beef it up” with a Micropython controller for a “brain”- and a few very lightweight sensors.

Good to see others who like

Good to see others who like Brainergizer on here.

He always has some inventive and clever builds. Your close up images give some detail that is not always visible in his videos.

Cool build, and welcome here.

Thank you for your kind welcome and comment! :slight_smile:

I’m very glad to be a part of this community.

I think I found your video

I think I found your video on YouTube. Very cool organic motion with this robot. It reminds me of a BEAM robotics design (look it up if you don’t know the term).

What will do you do for your next challenge? Can you take what you learned and go further?Â