Phoenix T-Shirt

Was wanting to make a tribute T-Shirt to the Phoenix. Was going to send the artwork, but Beth mentioned I might want to get permission from Zenta and Xan before we make them. :wink:

Zenta and Xan, Let me know if this is ok. I will be sending you guys a couple free ones if you like it.

If you can hold off, I made a phoenix logo that would go nicely with this design, and if interested, I can send it to you to add to the shirt. If not no problem, I just want to offer it as an option. I can send it to you for consideration tonight if interested.

No obligations just something to consider.

The logo is just the word “Phoeneix” with a phoenix icon next to it.

Sounds fun, send it on over… 8)

Cool! 8)

Thats ok for me. (And my wife want one too :wink: ) Are they in “one size fit them all…” or can we pick sizes?

Hey Kare, great news!

Did I make your name right? Kåre

I see you now have it as KÃ¥re.

Is the first one ok?

I plan to make lots of them in XL. If you need something other just let me know. I will send you two for you and two for your wife. I have a package going your way soon so hopefully I can send everything all at once. Thanks for everything!

COOL!! :smiley:

First time to see my name on a T-shirt!
Sure it’s ok! I think it’s great!!

I’m in for a size L :wink:


Ok, Two for you, and two for your girl friend. What size for her? :smiley:

You got my name Kåre very correct :wink: The strange letter in my profile was caused by your server update. I’ve seen that happend before too. I’ve just edited my profile info again.

We would prefer size S for my wife and M for me, hope that dosen’t make to much trouble for you. If the S (small) size is a trouble we can go for all M (medium).


Not a problem at all!

A size S would be great for my girlfriend :slight_smile:


The three of us should make a group picture wearing this shirt one day :slight_smile:

Ok cool! I’ll be right there… 8)

Oh wait I don’t have a boat. :frowning:

Let’s make one out of pykrete and take a northerly route. 8)

Sounds like a great idea!
I’ve never been in the USA yet. I did plan to do it, but my florida vacation was spoiled by the 9.11…