Onboard PC based Johnny 5


thats is freakin great xD

looks awesome, keep up the work :slight_smile:


WoW! That’s really nice! One sylibale with a higher pitch :laughing:


Um, maybe a more politically correct script. :wink:

It’s a movie quote!~ lol

I want to hear him say “No disassemble!” :laughing:

Ha, I just watched that movie last night, it is sooo badly done but still funny!

Post 666 !!!


ya me too J5 was soo funny driving a van lol :laughing:

i love your j5 project and ordered the parts for mine,i have used the pico-itx board before, also hope to build a large scale johnny five like in my favorate movies soon

Just a quick picture for fun, showing the difference between the stock model and my own:


He’s definitely been hitting the Gym~

Yep :open_mouth: He looks like (since he’s kinda backwards) like Gangster style :laughing: With sunglasses it would be…

Here’s a music video I made while I was practicing head movement to give him more natural speaking gestures.


(Slight language warning, PG-13ish I’d say :laughing: )

Hey Tyberius, awesome vid! The song synced with the movements quite well, you sure have made alot of progress to this bot!

MY GODD!!! That was awesome!!! So funny :laughing:

Good job!

:open_mouth: very cool Tyb. although his material could use some work :wink: lol JK :laughing:

Just an update- I demo’d J5 at the Trossen Robotics Booth at Robogames 2008 all weekend long. Here’s a quick video of J5 interacting with a few people


(Yeah I know, weird music lol)

VIA (maker of the Pico-ITX) wrote up an article about this project also, blogged here at Trossen Robotics: blog.trossenrobotics.com/index.p … interview/

Direct link to the article:

viaarena.com/default.aspx?Pa … icleID=557

Blew my mind watching a Storm Trooper play with J5! lol

Yar, I had fun with that too. Funny enough- thats the pic youtube picked for the video too.

Yep, the storm trooper part was really funny, but also, if someone walks in with a red shirt, then it will track the red shirt regardless, because you have roborealm doing the demo that is already in it, which just makes the rgb filter, then blobs the biggest part.

Very nice progress on the bot, but may I ask, where do you all get the funding for your bots? Companies sponser them, grants, or what? Because I am also pretty low on money, hell, I am still using a BS2 and the 2X5 sabertooth.