Onboard PC based Johnny 5

I donā€™t plan on having it pick up very small objects, like pens and whatnot. My main goal is to have it pick up a beer :smiley: Iā€™m going to be adding some rubber grips to the inside of the hands, and Iā€™m hoping that with two hands it should be able to lift a beer.

He speaks!

(warning, contains movie quote with profanity and/or isnā€™t PC)


Still playing around with voices to see what I like the best


thats is freakin great xD

looks awesome, keep up the work :slight_smile:


WoW! Thatā€™s really nice! One sylibale with a higher pitch :laughing:


Um, maybe a more politically correct script. :wink:

Itā€™s a movie quote!~ lol

I want to hear him say ā€œNo disassemble!ā€ :laughing:

Ha, I just watched that movie last night, it is sooo badly done but still funny!

Post 666 !!!


ya me too J5 was soo funny driving a van lol :laughing:

i love your j5 project and ordered the parts for mine,i have used the pico-itx board before, also hope to build a large scale johnny five like in my favorate movies soon

Just a quick picture for fun, showing the difference between the stock model and my own:


Heā€™s definitely been hitting the Gym~

Yep :open_mouth: He looks like (since heā€™s kinda backwards) like Gangster style :laughing: With sunglasses it would beā€¦

Hereā€™s a music video I made while I was practicing head movement to give him more natural speaking gestures.


(Slight language warning, PG-13ish Iā€™d say :laughing: )

Hey Tyberius, awesome vid! The song synced with the movements quite well, you sure have made alot of progress to this bot!

MY GODD!!! That was awesome!!! So funny :laughing:

Good job!

:open_mouth: very cool Tyb. although his material could use some work :wink: lol JK :laughing:

Just an update- I demoā€™d J5 at the Trossen Robotics Booth at Robogames 2008 all weekend long. Hereā€™s a quick video of J5 interacting with a few people


(Yeah I know, weird music lol)

VIA (maker of the Pico-ITX) wrote up an article about this project also, blogged here at Trossen Robotics: blog.trossenrobotics.com/index.p ā€¦ interview/

Direct link to the article:

viaarena.com/default.aspx?Pa ā€¦ icleID=557

Blew my mind watching a Storm Trooper play with J5! lol