Old Avatars

Bad stereo?

Why dā€™you wear headphones inteh car?

(Yes, I know. Itā€™s not a car.)

My topic
ā€¦and what are you doing in my topic? Post your own.

Hey, old manā€¦ You think you

Hey, old manā€¦ You think you have made what we call "a blog entry", where you write something, and the rest of us glaceā€¦ But this is a "forum topic" - where you start a "thread", a so called "topic" - where people continue the same "content" that you have started a "thread" in!

And here is my second avatar - the one before the one I have now!


I thought you said you donā€™t

I thought you said you donā€™t actually fly planes? Liar!


I see it slightly

I see it slightly differently, young man. I had hoped that what I had done was to create a new forum, cleverly titled "Our Past Avatars". Then within, the idea was a topic called "My avatars".

See, the forum is about OUR avatars (the clue is in the name) and this topic is about MY avatars (hint).

I hoped that folk would create their own "my avatars" topic where we could give them abuse about their photos.

You failed. Liveā€™s a

You failed. Liveā€™s a bitch.


Check out my robots - https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/user/319/robots

Lol again - you are funny
Lol again - you are funny today :smiley:

I donā€™t. I was only allowed
I donā€™t. I was only allowed to try to steer, and I am not in the first pilots seatā€¦ andā€¦ the plane is on the ground :smiley:

I assumed it was one of
I assumed it was one of those wacky Euro things where the driver seat is on the wrong side.

That is not a Euro-thing -

That is not a Euro-thing - that is a UK-thing!

Like not all people from the US lives in Beverly Hills and is called Moped-John amongst friends, though SOME are!

Yeah, definately you.
Yeah, definately you.

If that plane is on the ground, itā€™s at the top of a bloody steep hill.

I agree

Yes. Whacky Euros mostly do have the steering wheel on the wrong side.

Althyough, I think the drivers seat is normally on the correct side.

I donā€™t think I like you any more.

Man someone had an overdose
Man someone had an overdose of bitchy pills todayā€¦ I donā€™t think he took them orally either :wink:

OK, it may be @ takeoff :slight_smile:
OK, it may be @ takeoff :slight_smile:

Haha, gotcha :)Dan

Haha, gotcha :slight_smile:





Does this one qualify me for membership of SYFL?


You cant be going bald??? Fritsl is really young looking in his hughe avatar. I always thought he was a big baby. lol :stuck_out_tongue:


SYFLV is a Video club. Show us the art in progress: then maybe. Make sure to speed it up like x20.

Cool avatar though.