Oh No Another Johnny 5!- updated!


they are Logitech quickcams and seem to work fine with roborealm and the on board pc (epia pico itx )when i get round to fitting it.

nanomole39, sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!

Your bot looks awesome, I love the angle of the eyebrow that you implemented.

thanks Tom :smiley:

it finish`s him quiet nicely dont you think ?.i might add a bottom version as well below the cams,im not sure yet depends how it looks.


Nice bot! The webcams really give it a Human-like look to it.

Is this robot operational yet? I was thinking maybe you could show us a Video.

not quiet,id say im about 60/70% complete.i have had parts of it working but not all together.ie the webcams tracking with pan and tilt using roborealm software,the pc software working and controlling the servos,the atom software working with obstacle avoidance.i just need to tie it all together and debug :confused:
and i will post a vid when its all done and im happy with it.



my congrats! Very well done. Love the cams.

Sweet lookin! i like whats being done with the J5.

Excellent Ady, you’ve come a long way from the initial pics you email’d me. Can’t wait to see more :smiley:

first of all thanks for all your support :smiley:

yes its progressed well so far,i must say i was impressed with the Lynxmotion parts.a few more little tweaks with his “head” and that part of the build is done.
as i said earlier i wanted his eyelids to move in all axis and tried using muscle wire and micro servos but it just looked messy and made his head look too big,so in the end i settled for the above.

I ran into the same exact problems trying to add moving eyelids actually. I spent a week straight trying to get something I liked, but everything I did made the head funny shaped or too big in the process. We need like… nano servos lol.

or even pico ! . :smiley:

did you try using muscle wire ?,i had some success with that,but still it looked messy and not quite the result i was looking for.

No I did not, I bought the smallest servos I could find and couldnt get something working well and looking good.

I’m not exactly sure, but isn’t there already pico servos?

no your quite right,you can get pico servos,i have been messing around with a couple the last day or so still trying to find the best setup.

long time since last update but have been very busy with work and had very little bot time.here are more pics and hes not far off finished,time for the programming now :confused:


everything just about fitted


Via pc mounted together with i/o board


close up of wiring

i will post a quick vid on you tube shortly.

a quick power on test :-


That is a really cool bot! I like how you added voice effects from the movie. I use to watch it over and over again as a kid with hype about robots.

Great job!

White Crow


i am still busy adding the wav files.still plenty to do yet.i am also working on having the “eyelids” move.

Just curious, was the pico itx able to handle both cameras smoothly?
Did you notice any frame drops or low frame rate. Although I would be using 1 cam.


at the moment i am only using one cam with roborealm.the pico itx seems to cope ok.i am using a stripped down version of XP which makes it alot quicker.at some point i will be using both cams.