Micro Servo Robot

Hello. I tried to change the

Hello. I tried to change the code for 6 servos but i cant move the arm . After i load the code, the led(13) remain opened and the arm blocked . Can you help me with the code? #include <Servo.h> Servo servo_0; Servo servo_1; Servo servo_2; Servo servo_3; Servo servo_4; int count0, arrayStep, arrayMax, countverz, Taster, stepsMax, steps, time = 1000, del = 1000, temp; unsigned int verz = 0; long previousMillis1 = 0; long previousMillis2 = 0; long previousMillis3 = 0; long previousMillis4 = 0; long previousMillis5 = 0; long previousMillis6 = 0; long previousMicros = 0; unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); unsigned long currentMicros = micros(); int Delay[7] = {0,0,1,3,15,60,300}; int SensVal[6]; float dif[6], ist[6], sol[6], dir[6]; int joint0[180]; int joint1[180]; int joint2[180]; int joint3[180]; int joint4[180]; int joint5[180]; int top = 179; boolean playmode = false, Step = false; void setup() { pinMode(7, INPUT); pinMode(12, INPUT); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(13, HIGH); servo_0.attach(3); servo_1.attach(6); servo_2.attach(10); servo_3.attach(5); servo_4.attach(11); servo_5.attach(9); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(“mini robot ready…”); digitalWrite(13, LOW); } void loop() // here we go! { currentMillis = millis(); // all is about timing currentMicros = micros(); // read the button Button(); if(!playmode) // manualy modus { if(currentMillis - previousMillis1 > 25) { if (arrayStep < top) { previousMillis1 = currentMillis; readPot(); mapping(); move_servo(); //record(); } } } else if(playmode) { if (Step) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); if (arrayStep < arrayMax) { arrayStep += 1; Read(); calculate(); Step = 0; digitalWrite(13, LOW); } else // array read finished > start over { arrayStep = 0; calc_pause(); countverz = 0; while(countverz < verz) { countverz += 1; calc_pause(); digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(25); digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(975); } } //Serial.println(arrayStep); } else // do the servos! { if (currentMicros - previousMicros > time) { // previousMicros = currentMicros; play_servo(); } } } while (digitalRead(7) == true) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(500); } } void calc_pause() { readPot(); temp = SensVal[6];/ if (temp < 0) temp = 0; temp = map(temp, 0, 680, 0 ,6); verz = Delay[temp]; // verz = delay in second /Serial.print(temp); Serial.print(" “); Serial.print(verz); Serial.print(” "); Serial.println(countverz);/ } void readPot() { SensVal[0] = analogRead(sensorPin0); SensVal[0] += 0; SensVal[1] = analogRead(sensorPin1); SensVal[1] += 0; SensVal[2] = analogRead(sensorPin2); SensVal[2] += 0; SensVal[3] = analogRead(sensorPin3); SensVal[3] += 0; SensVal[4] = analogRead(sensorPin4); SensVal[4] += 0; SensVal[5] = analogRead(sensorPin5); SensVal[5] += 0; //Serial.print(SensVal[2]);Serial.print(" “); // CHECK } void mapping() { ist[0] = map(SensVal[0], 0, 1023,600, 2400);// rotire ist[1] = map(SensVal[1], 0, 1023, 550, 2400);// cot ist[2] = map(SensVal[2], 120, 860, 400, 2500);// umar ist[3] = map(SensVal[3], 0, 1023, 500, 2500);// baza ist[4] = map(SensVal[4], 120, 860, 400, 2500);// incheietura ist[5] = map(SensVal[5], 0, 1023, 500, 2500);// gheara //Serial.println(ist[2]); // CHECK } void record() { joint0[arrayStep] = ist[0]; // write positions in servo array joint1[arrayStep] = ist[1]; joint2[arrayStep] = ist[2]; joint3[arrayStep] = ist[3]; joint4[arrayStep] = ist[4]; joint5[arrayStep] = ist[5]; } void Read() { sol[0] = joint0[arrayStep]; // read from the array sol[1] = joint1[arrayStep]; sol[2] = joint2[arrayStep]; sol[3] = joint3[arrayStep]; sol[4] = joint4[arrayStep]; sol[5] = joint5[arrayStep]; } void move_servo() { servo_0.writeMicroseconds(ist[3]); // send milissecond values to servos servo_1.writeMicroseconds(ist[2]); servo_2.writeMicroseconds(ist[0]); servo_3.writeMicroseconds(ist[1]); servo_4.writeMicroseconds(ist[4]);/////? servo_5.writeMicroseconds(ist[5]);//////? } void calculate() { // travel distance for each servo dif[0] = abs(ist[0]-sol[0]); dif[1] = abs(ist[1]-sol[1]); dif[2] = abs(ist[2]-sol[2]); dif[3] = abs(ist[3]-sol[3]); dif[4] = abs(ist[4]-sol[4]); dif[5] = abs(ist[5]-sol[5]); // biggest travel way from all 4 servos stepsMax = max(dif[0],dif[1]); stepsMax = max(stepsMax,dif[2]); stepsMax = max(stepsMax,dif[3]); stepsMax = max(stepsMax,dif[4]); stepsMax = max(stepsMax,dif[5]); stepsMax /= 12; if (stepsMax < 500) del = 650; else del = 301; if (sol[0] < ist[0]) dir[0] = 0-dif[0]/stepsMax; else dir[0] = dif[0]/stepsMax; if (sol[1] < ist[1]) dir[1] = 0-dif[1]/stepsMax; else dir[1] = dif[1]/stepsMax; if (sol[2] < ist[2]) dir[2] = 0-dif[2]/stepsMax; else dir[2] = dif[2]/stepsMax; if (sol[3] < ist[3]) dir[3] = 0-dif[3]/stepsMax; else dir[3] = dif[3]/stepsMax; if (sol[4] < ist[4]) dir[4] = 0-dif[4]/stepsMax; else dir[4] = dif[4]/stepsMax; if (sol[5] < ist[5]) dir[5] = 0-dif[5]/stepsMax; else dir[5] = dif[5]/stepsMax; //Serial.println(dir4); } void play_servo() { steps += 1; if (steps < stepsMax) // sure we not reach the end from a move { //time = del5;// anfahr rampe if(steps == 20) time = del4; else if(steps == 40) time = del3; else if(steps == 80) time = del2; else if(steps == 100) time = del-1; // cannot explain here is not del1 if(steps == stepsMax-200) time = del2; else if(steps == stepsMax-80) time = del3; else if(steps == stepsMax-40) time = del4; else if(steps == stepsMax-20) time = del*5; ist[0] += dir[0]; // set new pos ist[1] += dir[1]; ist[2] += dir[2]; ist[3] += dir[3]; ist[4] += dir[4]; ist[5] += dir[5]; servo_0.writeMicroseconds(ist[3]); // Zange servo_1.writeMicroseconds(ist[2]); // Hand servo_2.writeMicroseconds(ist[0]); // Schulter servo_3.writeMicroseconds(ist[1]); // Ellbogen servo_4.writeMicroseconds(ist[4]); // Schulter servo_5.writeMicroseconds(ist[5]); // Ellbogen } else { Step = 1; steps = 0; } } void data_out() // just to write the recorded data to serial { int i = 0; while(i < arrayMax) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); i += 1; Serial.print(joint0[i]); Serial.print(”, “); } Serial.println(“Joint0”); i = 0; while(i < arrayMax) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); i += 1; Serial.print(joint1[i]); Serial.print(”, “); } Serial.println(“Joint1”); i = 0; while(i < arrayMax) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); i += 1; Serial.print(joint2[i]); Serial.print(”, “); } Serial.println(“Joint2”); i = 0; while(i < arrayMax) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); i += 1; Serial.print(joint3[i]); Serial.print(”, "); } Serial.println(“Joint3”); } void Button() // check buttons for single and doubleclick { if (digitalRead(12) == false) { delay(20);/ if (digitalRead(12) == true) { if (Taster == 0) { Taster = 1; previousMillis3 = currentMillis; //Serial.print("Status Record "); Serial.println(Taster); } else if ((Taster == 1) && (currentMillis - previousMillis3 < 250)) { Taster = 2; //Serial.println(Taster); } /else if ((Taster == 2) && (currentMillis - previousMillis3 < 500)) { Taster = 3; Serial.println(Taster); }/ } } if ((Taster == 1) && (currentMillis - previousMillis3 > 1000)) // write to array { arrayStep += 1; arrayMax = arrayStep; record(); Taster = 0; playmode = false; Serial.print("Record Step: "); Serial.println(arrayStep); digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(13, LOW); } else if (Taster == 2) { arrayStep = 0; playmode = true; Taster = 0; Step = 1; Serial.println("playmode "); data_out(); delay(250); digitalWrite(13, LOW); } /if (Taster == 3) { // ++ arrayStep // playmode = 1; Taster = 0; Serial.println("Clear "); }/ if (currentMillis - previousMillis3 > 2000) { Taster = 0; //Serial.println("restart "); } }

Hello. I tried to change the

Hello. I tried to change the code for 6 servos but i cant move the arm . After i load the code, the led(13) remain opened and the arm blocked . Can you help me with the code? Main code:

#include <Servo.h> Servo servo_0; Servo servo_1; Servo servo_2; Servo servo_3; Servo servo_4; int count0, arrayStep, arrayMax, countverz, Taster, stepsMax, steps, time = 1000, del = 1000, temp; unsigned int verz = 0; long previousMillis1 = 0; long previousMillis2 = 0; long previousMillis3 = 0; long previousMillis4 = 0; long previousMillis5 = 0; long previousMillis6 = 0; long previousMicros = 0; unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); unsigned long currentMicros = micros(); int Delay[7] = {0,0,1,3,15,60,300}; int SensVal[6]; float dif[6], ist[6], sol[6], dir[6]; int joint0[180]; int joint1[180]; int joint2[180]; int joint3[180]; int joint4[180]; int joint5[180]; int top = 179; boolean playmode = false, Step = false; void setup() { pinMode(7, INPUT); pinMode(12, INPUT); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(13, HIGH); servo_0.attach(3); servo_1.attach(6); servo_2.attach(10); servo_3.attach(5); servo_4.attach(11); servo_5.attach(9); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(“mini robot ready…”); digitalWrite(13, LOW); } void loop() // here we go! { currentMillis = millis(); // all is about timing currentMicros = micros(); // read the button Button(); if(!playmode) // manualy modus { if(currentMillis - previousMillis1 > 25) { if (arrayStep < top) { previousMillis1 = currentMillis; readPot(); mapping(); move_servo(); //record(); } } } else if(playmode) { if (Step) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); if (arrayStep < arrayMax) { arrayStep += 1; Read(); calculate(); Step = 0; digitalWrite(13, LOW); } else // array read finished > start over { arrayStep = 0; calc_pause(); countverz = 0; while(countverz < verz) { countverz += 1; calc_pause(); digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(25); digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(975); } } //Serial.println(arrayStep); } else // do the servos! { if (currentMicros - previousMicros > time) { // previousMicros = currentMicros; play_servo(); } } } while (digitalRead(7) == true) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(500); } } void calc_pause() { readPot(); temp = SensVal[6];/ if (temp < 0) temp = 0; temp = map(temp, 0, 680, 0 ,6); verz = Delay[temp]; // verz = delay in second /Serial.print(temp); Serial.print(" “); Serial.print(verz); Serial.print(” "); Serial.println(countverz);/ } void readPot() { SensVal[0] = analogRead(sensorPin0); SensVal[0] += 0; SensVal[1] = analogRead(sensorPin1); SensVal[1] += 0; SensVal[2] = analogRead(sensorPin2); SensVal[2] += 0; SensVal[3] = analogRead(sensorPin3); SensVal[3] += 0; SensVal[4] = analogRead(sensorPin4); SensVal[4] += 0; SensVal[5] = analogRead(sensorPin5); SensVal[5] += 0; //Serial.print(SensVal[2]);Serial.print(" “); // CHECK } void mapping() { ist[0] = map(SensVal[0], 0, 1023,600, 2400);// rotire ist[1] = map(SensVal[1], 0, 1023, 550, 2400);// cot ist[2] = map(SensVal[2], 120, 860, 400, 2500);// umar ist[3] = map(SensVal[3], 0, 1023, 500, 2500);// baza ist[4] = map(SensVal[4], 120, 860, 400, 2500);// incheietura ist[5] = map(SensVal[5], 0, 1023, 500, 2500);// gheara //Serial.println(ist[2]); // CHECK } void record() { joint0[arrayStep] = ist[0]; // write positions in servo array joint1[arrayStep] = ist[1]; joint2[arrayStep] = ist[2]; joint3[arrayStep] = ist[3]; joint4[arrayStep] = ist[4]; joint5[arrayStep] = ist[5]; } void Read() { sol[0] = joint0[arrayStep]; // read from the array sol[1] = joint1[arrayStep]; sol[2] = joint2[arrayStep]; sol[3] = joint3[arrayStep]; sol[4] = joint4[arrayStep]; sol[5] = joint5[arrayStep]; } void move_servo() { servo_0.writeMicroseconds(ist[3]); // send milissecond values to servos servo_1.writeMicroseconds(ist[2]); servo_2.writeMicroseconds(ist[0]); servo_3.writeMicroseconds(ist[1]); servo_4.writeMicroseconds(ist[4]);/////? servo_5.writeMicroseconds(ist[5]);//////? } void calculate() { // travel distance for each servo dif[0] = abs(ist[0]-sol[0]); dif[1] = abs(ist[1]-sol[1]); dif[2] = abs(ist[2]-sol[2]); dif[3] = abs(ist[3]-sol[3]); dif[4] = abs(ist[4]-sol[4]); dif[5] = abs(ist[5]-sol[5]); // biggest travel way from all 4 servos stepsMax = max(dif[0],dif[1]); stepsMax = max(stepsMax,dif[2]); stepsMax = max(stepsMax,dif[3]); stepsMax = max(stepsMax,dif[4]); stepsMax = max(stepsMax,dif[5]); stepsMax /= 12; if (stepsMax < 500) del = 650; else del = 301; if (sol[0] < ist[0]) dir[0] = 0-dif[0]/stepsMax; else dir[0] = dif[0]/stepsMax; if (sol[1] < ist[1]) dir[1] = 0-dif[1]/stepsMax; else dir[1] = dif[1]/stepsMax; if (sol[2] < ist[2]) dir[2] = 0-dif[2]/stepsMax; else dir[2] = dif[2]/stepsMax; if (sol[3] < ist[3]) dir[3] = 0-dif[3]/stepsMax; else dir[3] = dif[3]/stepsMax; if (sol[4] < ist[4]) dir[4] = 0-dif[4]/stepsMax; else dir[4] = dif[4]/stepsMax; if (sol[5] < ist[5]) dir[5] = 0-dif[5]/stepsMax; else dir[5] = dif[5]/stepsMax; //Serial.println(dir4); } void play_servo() { steps += 1; if (steps < stepsMax) // sure we not reach the end from a move { //time = del5;// anfahr rampe if(steps == 20) time = del4; else if(steps == 40) time = del3; else if(steps == 80) time = del2; else if(steps == 100) time = del-1; // cannot explain here is not del1 if(steps == stepsMax-200) time = del2; else if(steps == stepsMax-80) time = del3; else if(steps == stepsMax-40) time = del4; else if(steps == stepsMax-20) time = del*5; ist[0] += dir[0]; // set new pos ist[1] += dir[1]; ist[2] += dir[2]; ist[3] += dir[3]; ist[4] += dir[4]; ist[5] += dir[5]; servo_0.writeMicroseconds(ist[3]); // Zange servo_1.writeMicroseconds(ist[2]); // Hand servo_2.writeMicroseconds(ist[0]); // Schulter servo_3.writeMicroseconds(ist[1]); // Ellbogen servo_4.writeMicroseconds(ist[4]); // Schulter servo_5.writeMicroseconds(ist[5]); // Ellbogen } else { Step = 1; steps = 0; } } void data_out() // just to write the recorded data to serial { int i = 0; while(i < arrayMax) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); i += 1; Serial.print(joint0[i]); Serial.print(”, “); } Serial.println(“Joint0”); i = 0; while(i < arrayMax) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); i += 1; Serial.print(joint1[i]); Serial.print(”, “); } Serial.println(“Joint1”); i = 0; while(i < arrayMax) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); i += 1; Serial.print(joint2[i]); Serial.print(”, “); } Serial.println(“Joint2”); i = 0; while(i < arrayMax) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); i += 1; Serial.print(joint3[i]); Serial.print(”, "); } Serial.println(“Joint3”); } void Button() // check buttons for single and doubleclick { if (digitalRead(12) == false) { delay(20);/ if (digitalRead(12) == true) { if (Taster == 0) { Taster = 1; previousMillis3 = currentMillis; //Serial.print("Status Record "); Serial.println(Taster); } else if ((Taster == 1) && (currentMillis - previousMillis3 < 250)) { Taster = 2; //Serial.println(Taster); } /else if ((Taster == 2) && (currentMillis - previousMillis3 < 500)) { Taster = 3; Serial.println(Taster); }/ } } if ((Taster == 1) && (currentMillis - previousMillis3 > 1000)) // write to array { arrayStep += 1; arrayMax = arrayStep; record(); Taster = 0; playmode = false; Serial.print("Record Step: "); Serial.println(arrayStep); digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(13, LOW); } else if (Taster == 2) { arrayStep = 0; playmode = true; Taster = 0; Step = 1; Serial.println("playmode "); data_out(); delay(250); digitalWrite(13, LOW); } /if (Taster == 3) { // ++ arrayStep // playmode = 1; Taster = 0; Serial.println("Clear "); }/ if (currentMillis - previousMillis3 > 2000) { Taster = 0; //Serial.println("restart "); } }

Keyword Arduino

if(steps == 20) time = del4;    
else if(steps == 40) time = del
else if(steps == 80) time = del2;
else if(steps == 100) time = del-1;

hello Pinaut, i a newbie  , i don’t know the word “time” had highlight orange. what function ? and 4th line, why not time = del1 ? tks you so much

Wild and EEPROM

Hi, do you have any suggestion for me? my servos are too wild and shaky. They are totally not following the servos. Is it because I used 10k potentiometers? And I wanted it to saved in EEPROM or any storage, do you have any reference you can share with me? thank you :slight_smile:

Wild and EEPROM

hi, any suggestion? my servos are too wild and shaky, Is it because I used 10k ptentiometers? And I wanted it to save it in EEPROM, but i don’t have any idea about it. So I was thinking if you have any refrence you could share to me? thank you :slight_smile:

Wild and EEPROM

hi, any suggestion? my servos are too wild and shaky, Is it because I used 10k ptentiometers? And I wanted it to save it in EEPROM, but i don’t have any idea about it. So I was thinking if you have any refrence you could share to me? thank you :slight_smile:

Replace arduino mini pro with arduino nano in this project

Hello What modifications do I need to do so that I can use this code in an arduino nano instead of a mini pro?

can I use this ?

Can I use this  ? 


** @pinaut May I know your**

 @pinaut May I know your contact information? i have some questions want to ask you

Project Entry

Good day! Sir, can I use this project as an entry for our website. Rest assured that I am to credit the entry to you.



go for it :wink:

go for it :wink:

sure. take the 10k Ohm

sure. take the 10k Ohm

and read about analog inputs https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/AnalogInput

shaky? use a better (more

shaky? use a better (more power [Ampere]) powersuply or battery

EEPROM? an also not have used that. but if i would: i can learn all at https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/EEPROM

what all libraries are required?

would this code work in uno?

can you make a tutorial on this or share a website of its tutorial?

I am trying to make Micro Servo Robot

When I upload the sketch it says I am low on sram memory and the robot may not function. I am using a DFrobot Arduino Rev 3
The actual message is “Low memory available, stability problems may occur.”
Could I delete some of the program, I am using the sketch from the website above

The original robot used a Arduino Pro Mini, I have a 5 volt 16 Mhz but don’t have a board or connector to hook it to my computer, plus the sram is only 2k the same as the DFrobot Arduino Rev 3

When I am using the DFrobot Arduino Rev 3 the robot tries to function,
but the operation is hit and miss, sometimes it does something and sometimes it doesn’t. I’m not sure what the 2 push buttons on the board do.

I have wired in a store/play button and a pause switch.

I am lost,

Dan Hanson

can I use an ac adapter to power only my motors of output 5-6 v and 2amp

try powering it with extra batteries

low memory is not a problem. if the led goes on and stop your work, just reset the code using the reset button.

the button connected to pin 6 is to teach the arm. if you click it once it will memories the position. if you click it twice it will go to playmode and will repeat what you taught in the same order.
the button connected to pin 4 is like a pause button. it stops all activities.