How to Make a Robot - Lesson 2: Choosing a Robotic Platform

what an amazing tutorial! thanks for your effort

Beautiful article ! :slight_smile: Thankyou


how do you make a pet robot that follows you

@kitty Take a look at the practical example in lesson 2:

I’m electric engineering and my world goes around robots and special artificial intelligence so thanks you for this topic

Very helpful for my research

If I wanted to make a skid steer would I need a motor for each wheel ?

@GAV Yes, each wheel would need a motor.

Best website ever!

what parts of a simple robot can be made from simple things at home?

@John Normally the frame can be made from materials around the house, and you can usually find some spare motors, batteries and battery holders as well. What is a lot harder to find is something programmable, as well as the controllers.

I shared this hoping it was going to teach me alot. All of us want to learn thats why we are here. Lets start a RAMA group for robotics arts music and animation. search openinvent or bitsfit for ideas.

I want to learn with you guys. visit me on

i want to build a robot although I’m 14 years old I’m not doing it for fun I’m doing it for knowledge I’ve planed for a future that contains technology and robots are the top priority i have to make a new invention

@Lost Keeper Ideally you would be doing it both for fun and knowledge :wink:

I want to a two legged robot like the one in the photo of two legged robot.

@Asad Farraj The robot shown is the SoftBank Nao humanoid which we do not sell. You can find humanoids here:

thanks for giving advice

Hey, thanks for all the info. Just wanted to let you know the link at the top of this page to Lesson 3 actually goes to Lesson 4.

@Wes Appreciated and corrected.