How to Make a Drone / UAV - Lesson 4: Flight Controller

@Neeraj - Unfortunately we do not have such diagram but you can find many examples online.

Hello Team,
As you mentioned in software section above that “Rather than having to modify the Arduino code directly, a separate, more graphical software was created.”, so my question is can we able to change the arduino code if we want to?

@Prathamesh Certainly, but if you make some big modifications, there’s a chance the Quadrino Nano Software interface won’t be compatible (which is fine, because if you’re changing the Arduino code, you’re likely an advanced user).

Hello! Congratulation for yours tutorial!!! Iwant to build the drone farm can yours help my? Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano Drone/UAV Flight Controller (with GPS), can it is good for my? thanks

@Antonio Buccoliero By “drone farm” do you mean a drone for farming applications, or do you mean a swarm? The Quadrino Nano is a versatile MultiWii based flight controller - it does not have inherent functionality for swarm, so it would be up to you to add to its programming. There are very few flight controllers on the market with inherent swarm functionality / features. If you mean for farming, can you clarify the application?

Dear, thank you so much for the answer to fast, I mean DRONE FARMING sprayer about 20-25 liters Thanks so much

@Antonio Buccoliero Your issue won’t be the flight controller - you’ll need a fairly large and “powerful” drone to lift the liquid which you’ll be spraying. This size of drone will be heavy and very dangerous - strongly suggest starting smaller, gaining experience and working your way up. Starting on this large a drone without experience might mean your first flight is also your last.


@AKHIL We offer parts here:

I am designing a drone using raspberry pi and multi wii.Can u please tell how can I install ultra sonic and altimeters to my drone and send their data to IOT.

@Nani MultiWii has some functionality to add sensors (sonar, optical flow) for example. You will need to modify the code directly, which will take some programming skills. Sending to the “IOT” likely means wirelessly sending data to a router, which allows the data to be sent to a server or a web page. Adding WiFi will likely limit the range of the drone, while sending data via cell phone data takes quite a lot more programming.

I was looking for a way to ling multiple flight controllers for one drone. I’m making a large scale model of the avengers Hilo carrier. And I’m having a hard time trying to find controllers I can handle 24 motors. So I’m wondering if I can link multiple 4 motor flight controller modules. I just don’t know what type of equipment I need.

@Robert Cannot speak from personal experience on that one - normally 24 motors are not necessary for stability. You might have an H12 (hexacopter with 12 motors) and even that tends to be excessive. The avengers’ Heli carrier only seems to have four main propulsion units. Take a look at

Salut Monsieur,
En faite je travaille sur un projet sur les drones précisément je travaille sur la communication entre la drone et GCS … Malheureusement que j’ai pas une drone réelle pour tester en réalité c’est pour cela que mon travail sera totalement sur les simulateurs.

  • Existe t’il un simulateur qui remplace une drone réelle?
  • Comment peut-on extraire les traces des messages MAVLINK échangées entre mission planner et ce simulateur de drone.
    Et merci.

Unfortunately most flight controller simulators require that the real flight controller be connected to the PC. A software that can simulate a complete drone may exist, but we are not aware of one at this time. Google will be your best choice for searching.

@cbenson thanks for this nice tutorial. I have knowledge of computer vision and autonomy, but am completely new in the space of aerial vehicles (drones). I want to build an autonomous drone that is able to detect other drones and track them.The drone needs to be able to stream images and send gps data to a ground station. I have been reading a lot of stuff online, but don’t know exactly where to start.

I would love to build my own custom drone, but it will be a far stretch as I have limited time to achieve this project. Could you please guide me on how to get started ? I was thinking of getting a programmable commercial drone and program it to my needs. Is this a good idea ? If yes could you please recommend a programmable commercial drone I can use for this project ?

“I was thinking of getting a programmable commercial drone and program it to my needs. Is this a good idea ?”

Given your limited time, you’d need a commercial, programmable kit. Many kits here (though not all) can be programmed:
You’d still need to buy a flight controller of your choice, a battery and charger, and a 5ch+ adjustable remote control.
The flight controller is very important, so read through user guides and choose one which you think you can interface fairly easily with.
Pixhawk is quite popular, and if you’re thinking an Arduino, consider the Quadrino.
You can also see online who has been successful in integrating a vision system and with which flight controller (give you a head start).
Note that you’ll need to determine (research above will help) if you only need a forward facing camera or a gimabl system - this will change quite a bit.

Even before programming a vision system, you’ll still need to be comfortable flying. Note that one crash can be a complete writeoff, so consider purchasing something small and robust to get some flight experience, like:

Thanks for the info. I want to purchase the lynxmotion drone kit, but I am worried about the tax I will have to pay when it gets here to Turkey. Is it possible to include the tax price I will pay in Turkey ? This you will send it directly to me and I wont have to make any more payments until it gets to me.

@biram Give us a shout at [email protected], tell us the product(s) you want to purchase, as well as your address, and we’ll see if anything can be done. Note that although it’s a great kit, the smallest issue can cause a crash - you might also want to purchase a small drone so you can learn how to fly.

Hi, I would like to understand how I can replace GPS data by other localization data, and get them taken into account in the flight controller, instead of using standard GPS data, sepcially for indoor environments.
Thank you in adavance.