Giger - Custom Humanoid

VERY rough walking gait, but I promised to deliver some video. It still needs a lot of optimization; bezier curves aren’t adjusted at all, speed needs to be adjusted, and arm swing needs to be integrated. It’s very rough, very jerky right now, this is just the first stable gait revision, current revision isnt completely stable and thus not shown.

Hi Tyberius,

I’ve been following Giger for since the start. Amazing work! I love all the little details you’ve put in to this. The design is really looking robust. But then agian, it really have to with those huge servo’s of yours. :smiley:

I’m pretty sure you’ll get this fella up and running pretty smooth!


You are making great progress on Giger. It was really great to see it move and I have no doubt that you will make the moves work really smoothly.

Again great work!

Awesome to see all those beefy servos running!

Great to hear you are doing some progress. The last part was a little suprise, almost a bit scary and cool 8)

Keep up the great work Tyberius!

Thanks guys!

Yeah the servos are surprisingly quick- which is why I included that little bit at the end. I’ll post an updated video of the walking once it’s ready.

That video was cool. The servos are very quiet. I didn’t hear the typical “ZZzzzzzip” noise associated with servos that move at high speeds.

Here’s some more progress. I’m demonstrating torso pan/tilt while walking in this video, gait still needs some work but is made more unstable by the torso moving around during the walk sequence.

Most impressive… You have done well young one!

That thing is awesome. I would love to see it in a Robo One competition. It’s got the power to body slam other bots. 8)

New upgrades! Giger currently uses 10x EX-106+, 6x RX-64s, and 8x RX-28s for a total of 24 DOF.

This is about 2 hours of work after final configuration as a result of the new upgrades. All 10 main leg servos have been upgraded to EX-106+ Dynamixels, so my previous walking gait progress was entirely erased. All new custom brackets used in the legs and feet, as well as new elbow/shoulder brackets and arm extensions. Brackets were designed in Autodesk Inventor 2008 and machined by Rapid Sheet Metal: (they’re too big/too much of a hassle to bend in-house)

Keep in mind; I have this gait tuned to a very slow rate so that I can work on the balance and COG shifting correctly, then it can be sped up to a more realistic, useful speed.


Walking gait is slightly faster than the first video, still have some work to do on it before the competition. Pretty much all good to go, just need to secure my target panels with velcro and spend the rest of my time working on the gait and aiming.

And… getting ready for the Korean Robot Games Festival in a few days. Giger Fu is ready to compete in the professional division!

Whoa! I thought that thing was playing the drums for a second. lol

great work. very powerful. good luck with the comp. im putting my money on it. :wink:

does he bow? :smiley:

Great work! it look like this is something to be feared by other competitors.

Thanks guys! No bowing yet, but I’ve got to put a couple ‘fluff’ moves in there I suppose.

A lot of what I was demonstrating was how quick the interrupt protocol is within the controller. The ‘fencing’ type moves are actually just a single side attack being interrupted before it can complete the motion, it allows for some lightening fast reflexive moves, rather than being constrained to pre-made routines that must finish before another move can be executed.

The competition in Korea is pretty fierce though; I’ll be lucky if I make it through more than a match or two :stuck_out_tongue: Most of these guys have been preparing for years, I just started the kung fu side of this project a little over a week ago.

What’s missing is a pair of RED LED eyes. 8)

Hey guys,

Long time no update! After my 2 trips to Korea last year I came up with a ground-up redesign of Giger. This would be revision 4, all portions were completely redesigned and rebuilt. It now uses 14 EX-106+, 8 RX-64, and 2 RX-24F, a single 5S 18.5v 2000mAh LiPo, and a new mini Wifi IP Encoder/wide angle pinhole lens camera setup for vision.

Entire photo album can be found here:


aiming fix:

This is my favorite biped of all bipeds in the world. I love the design. It just looks like a fighter bot.

dude that thing is a masterpiece. I love the entire look of it!