Apod configuration problem

:smiley: **I got it running **it was the baud rate when updating firmware on SCC scary results especially with 5990 TG at 7.4 v. THANKS.

Hi Ziggy,

Did you post any pics of your hex? Would be fun to see it. :slight_smile:

I will post some video soon. My legs are a little longer then your original. I have adjusted the leg length
and body dimensions in the config. file but the bot roles over a too much when I turn it scapes the ground on that side, so I need to figure out how to adjust that. I have not messed with the initial leg positions in the config wondering if that is part of my problem. It is still a blast to watch greate job on the software!

I placed the video in projects with some questions viewtopic.php?f=20&t=8223#p82163

I Like the style of ur Apod!
Great work!

My Apod has the original dimentions ( body,legs, etc…) but I have the same problem!
Like also the mandibles speed…

Looking in the Cfg file of Apod program:
It’s possible there is an error here?

;Universal dimensions for each leg
cXXCoxaLength  con 42 ;Length of the Coxa [mm]

Measuring the coxa ( original dimension ) in my apod seams to be 52 mm
Or maybe I wrong

I can’t confirm that since I don’t have the Lynxmotion A-Pod. Hopefully Lynxmotion can answer this next week.

Hi again,

You are correct about the 52mm. I did some measurements on the brackets to confirm your findings.

Heard ya loud and clear. :wink:

Finally got my loose ends tied up. It will leave this week!

I do appreciate your patience.

Yes Zenta,
52 mm is the right coxa lenght!

Please,can U also control in Cfg file the Start Position Feet,if there aren’t any error?

Thanx again

I’m not sure if I understand your question? Do you see any error?
The init positions shouldn’t be very different from my original I think.

Sorry Kare,
My english is not so good and sametimes for me it’s a little hard to explain the problem in wright way,but I try:
I’m not a expert like U and maybe I wrong samewhere,

I think there are 2 problems:
1-during apod walking,its feets scapes the ground when the bot turn;
for don’t have this problem we to activate the R1 button.
( maybe the wrong Coxa dimension cause it?)

2-start position feet:
I made an accurate alignment of neutral position and writed in Ssc
When we have the apod power off ( ssc off,bb2 off ) the 6 Femur servo brackets lean on the ground,
So that is the ‘ground line’
When we have apod power on ( ssc on, bb2 on ) and we press start , the feets goes down that line!
And seams that not all legs are in the same position , like also alignment of abdomen…
Horizontal hip servos seams to be in good position like all head servos.

So for that reasons I asked if U can control the cfg file…
Or maybe i wrong samewhere

Hi Anjys,

I’ll be able to check this when I have a working Lynxmotion A-Pod version on my desk. That might take awhile before I’ve finished it.

Btw, what servo are you using? 645’s?

  1. not sure whats causing this. Are you saying that the legs doesn’t lift from ground when walking? 30mm should be sufficient for lifting the legs though.

  2. Locate this line in the config file:

CHexInitY		con 15

You might need to increase this to maybe 25 or 30 (just a guess). Experiment with different values.

Morning Kare!
Thanx for ur help,even if U haven’t lynxmotion apod version U try to help to resolve this problems;-)…

Yes,I’m using 645’s

1- Legs lift from gound …but not so much to don’t make feet scapes the ground ( especially during bot turning)

2-maybe increasing that value will resolve the problem ’ 1’ , can it be?..
But looking better each leg when the bot is on ( pressed start button ) the angles between coxa,femur,tibia seams to be slightly different . That make to think that I wrong samething during servos calibration, but I remeber to did a good alignmet ,like also the abdomen alignment.
So,or maybe I wrong alignment again or can be that the code use ur UseCodeOffsets?

Hi. Anjys I commented out this part just to be safe dont know if that will help :confused: [code];Zenta, the UsecodeOffsets section can be removed in the final release:
;[SERVO Offsets]
#IFDEF UseCodeOffsets
cRFCoxaOffset con 644 ;Front Right leg Hip Horizontal ;650-6
cRFFemurOffset con 564 ;Front Right leg Hip Vertical ;650-86
cRFTibiaOffset con 670 ;Front Right leg Knee ;650+20

cRMCoxaOffset con 662 ;Middle Right leg Hip Horizontal ;650+12
cRMFemurOffset con 555 ;Middle Right leg Hip Vertical ;650-95
cRMTibiaOffset con 675 ;Middle Right leg Knee ;650+25

cRRCoxaOffset con 707 ;Rear Right leg Hip Horizontal ;650+57
cRRFemurOffset con 556 ;Rear Right leg Hip Vertical ;650-94
cRRTibiaOffset con 684 ;Rear Right leg Knee ;650+34

cLFCoxaOffset con 629 ;Front Left leg Hip Horizontal ;650-21
cLFFemurOffset con 802 ;Front Left leg Hip Vertical ;650+152
cLFTibiaOffset con 573 ;Front Left leg Knee ;650-77

cLMCoxaOffset con 689 ;Middle Left leg Hip Horizontal ;650+39
cLMFemurOffset con 720 ;Middle Left leg Hip Vertical ;650+70
cLMTibiaOffset con 584 ;Middle Left leg Knee ;650-66

cLRCoxaOffset con 713 ;Rear Left leg Hip Horizontal ;650+63
cLRFemurOffset con 790 ;Rear Left leg Hip Vertical ;650+140
cLRTibiaOffset con 564 ;Rear Left leg Knee ;650-86

I have the same problem with the leg lift height not rising up high enough when turning fast, and only on the side I am turning to. So if I go left or right throw the stick over fast the front left or right leg scrapes the floor if I do it slow and smooth it does not seem to do it. Walking and strafing straight are fine it is only turning. I am wondering if reducing the amount the body pitches over when turning would help I do not know where to adjust that I would need Zenta to point me to it.

Ps Thanks Kare for the help with tibia length/ mandible speed they work great! :smiley:


Ok, I see…
Did you notice when you increase the body height does the leg lifting problem on the turning side get better?

Look for this code in the PS2 control file (in walking mode section):

TravelLengthX = -(Dualshock(5) - 128)*2/3 ;max 85
TravelLengthZ = (Dualshock(6) - 128)*2/3
TravelRotationY = -(Dualshock(3) - 128)/6 ;Right Stick Left/Right ,max 21

  GOSUB SmoothControl -(Dualshock(3) - 128), BodyRotZ1, 2], BodyRotZ1
  GOSUB SmoothControl -(Dualshock(4) - 128), BodyRotX1, 2], BodyRotX1
  GOSUB HeadControl (Dualshock(3) - 128)/5, HeadPanInput1, -(Dualshock(4) - 128)] 
  HeadTiltAngle1 =  HeadTiltOut1
  HeadRotAngle1 =  HeadRotOut1[/code]

This line can be modified to decrease the amount of body Z rotation:

GOSUB SmoothControl -(Dualshock(3) - 128), BodyRotZ1, 2], BodyRotZ1

For example change it to:

GOSUB SmoothControl -(Dualshock(3) - 128)/2, BodyRotZ1, 2], BodyRotZ1

You can try /3 or /4 or just comment out the line.

Let me know if that help.

:smiley: Yes! The higher the body the problem improves also helps with coax not hitting the ground
In rotate mode. I realize that I created, that problem with my longer leg sections another reason
i wanted to decrease the amount the robot pitches over.
Thank you so much I will try it to night and let you know.

The main problem in the walking/ turning and ‘start position’ is just

CHexInitYÂ Â Â Â con 15
Like Kare saied!!
I have increased this to 25 and ‘start position’ seams to be right ( even if same alignment are slightly not correct, but for this I’ll calibrate servo offsets again when I’ll have more time )
Thanx again Kare!

I have changed also the value here

GOSUB SmoothControl -(Dualshock(3) - 128), BodyRotZ1, 2], BodyRotZ1

Decreasing to /2 , but for to be sure i have to test again

:smiley: Thanks zenta. That was it /2, is much better. /3 takes too much movement away.
Now I need to reduce the amount of rotation in “rotate mode” Is that also in the ps2?
I see this section;[Rotate functions] IF (ControlMode=ROTATEMODE) THEN ;Switch Rotate Function IF (DualShock(1).bit0 = 0) and LastButton(0).bit0 THEN ;Select Button test IF RotateFunction<2 THEN Sound cSpeakerPin, [50\4000] RotateFunction = RotateFunction+1 ELSE Sound cSpeakerPin, [50\4000, 50\4500] RotateFunction = 0 ENDIF but not sure if that is it.
PS. I also changed this line GOSUB SmoothControl -(Dualshock(4) - 128), BodyRotX1, 2], BodyRotX1
to GOSUB SmoothControl -(Dualshock(4) - 128)/2, BodyRotX1, 2], BodyRotX1
now the head won’t smack the ground when walking. I don’t know if other people are having problems with short ps2 stick throw and control
The DIY XBEE must be nice. :unamused: but I thought I would share.

Kurte wrote:“The file also use the use code offsets and battery detector options commented out. For normal use we should reenable the FSR. Also should update tutorial to show it plugged in.”