from SimpleCV import * import time, os, string originalwd = os.getcwd() delay = 0.1 print "-> What is the name of the new piece?" piece = raw_input() chosen = False path = os.getcwd() + "/pieces/" + piece # Get name of new piece and check to see if already exists exists = False overwrite = False if os.access(path, os.F_OK): exists = True print "-> This piece has already been added. Would you like to overwrite all old pictures? (Y/n)" while True: user = raw_input() if user == "Y": print "-> Old pictures will be OVERWRITTEN (deleted)" overwrite = True break elif user == "n": print "-> Old pictures will be kept" break else: print "-> INVALID ANSWER -- Please type Y or n (case sensetive)" # Create new directory if required - Clear old directory if overwriting if exists == False: os.mkdir(path,0755) os.chdir(path) print "-> The directory of your new piece is: " + path time.sleep(1) print "-> Let's start taking the pictures" time.sleep(delay) print "-> Use the left mouse button to take an image" time.sleep(delay) print "-> Use the right mouse button to retake the image" time.sleep(delay) print "-> Press enter in the terminal when you are finished taking images. A minimum of 10 images is recommeded" time.sleep(delay) print "-> Press enter to continue" null = raw_input() # Delete old pictures if overwriting if overwrite: for eachfile in os.listdir(path): eachfilepath = os.path.join(path, eachfile) os.unlink(eachfilepath) n = 0 elif overwrite == False and exists: pathList = os.listdir(path) n = 0 for string in pathList: string = string.lstrip("img").rstrip(".png") pathList[n] = int(string) n +=1 n =max(pathList) else: n = 0 cam = Camera() disp = Display() imgSave = cam.getImage() #.drawText("No Image File Taken Yet",50,50,color=Color.BLACK,fontsize=48) # Start saving the new pictures while disp.isNotDone(): img = cam.getImage() if disp.mouseLeft and disp.leftButtonDownPosition()[0] < 639: n +=1 imgName = "img" + str(n) + ".png" imgSave = img print "Saved as: " + imgName if disp.mouseLeft and disp.leftButtonDownPosition()[0] > 639: imgName = "img" + str(n) + ".png" imgSave = img print "RE-Saved as: " + imgName if disp.mouseRight: break img.sideBySide(imgSave).show() # Original directory - originalwd = os.getcwd() # Change directory - os.chdir("/home/") disp.mouseX < 640 print os.getcwd()