from SimpleCV import * from nxt import * import time import string import numpy as np ###FIND BRICK print "Please turn on NXT. Press enter to continue" raw_input() brick = None while(brick is None): print "Finding NXT..." try: brick = locator.find_one_brick(silent=True) except: print "Brick not found, check the connection and press enter to retry" raw_input() print "Brick found!" ###DEFINE MOTORS mConvey = Motor(brick, PORT_A) mPlate = Motor(brick, PORT_B) mTray = Motor(brick, PORT_C) mConvey.idle() mPlate.idle() mTray.idle() ###RESET POSITION OF MOTOR A mPlate.weak_turn(-60, 270) time.sleep(0.5) while(True): strRate = mPlate.get_tacho().__str__() time.sleep(0.2) NStrRate = mPlate.get_tacho().__str__() rate = int(strRate[1:string.find(strRate,",")]) nRate = int(NStrRate[1:string.find(NStrRate,",")]) rate = nRate - rate print rate if abs(rate) < 1: break mPlate.idle() ###INITALISE CAMERA FEED print "Which camera would you like to use?" cam = raw_input() cam = Camera(int(cam), {"width": 1920, "height": 1080}) disp = Display() crop = (500,305,890,500) n = 0 while n < 10: img = cam.getImage() n += 1 n = 0 while n < 10: img = cam.getImage() img.drawRectangle(*crop,width=5) n += 1 n = 0 while n < 10: img = cam.getImage().crop(*crop) n += 1 #START SORTING print "Let's start sorting!" offset = 25 mPlate.turn(60, offset) #plate offset time.sleep(3) print "Calibrating..." meanList = [] n=0 while n < 5: previous = cam.getImage().crop(*crop) time.sleep(0.05) current = cam.getImage().crop(*crop) diff = current - previous matrix = diff.getNumpy() mean = matrix.mean() meanList.append(mean) n +=1 mean = np.mean(meanList) print mean print meanList if 2*mean < 0.7: threshold = 2*mean elif mean==0: threshold = 0.5 else: threshold = 0.7 print threshold threshold = 2, True) while True: previous = cam.getImage().crop(*crop) time.sleep(0.05) current = cam.getImage().crop(*crop) diff = current - previous matrix = diff.getNumpy() mean = matrix.mean() if mean > threshold: mConvey.brake() break time.sleep(1) mPlate.turn(-40, offset) time.sleep(1) img = cam.getImage().crop(*crop) time.sleep(5) mConvey.idle() mPlate.idle() mTray.idle()