from SimpleCV import * from SimpleCV.Features import FeatureExtractorBase import time, os, orange, orngSVM, string originalwd = os.getcwd() path = os.getcwd() + "/pieces" hhfe = HueHistogramFeatureExtractor() #haarfe = HaarLikeFeatureExtractor() ehfe = EdgeHistogramFeatureExtractor() #lfe = LegoFeatureExtractor() extractors = [hhfe, ehfe]#, lfe]# , haarfe] props ={ 'KernelType':'Poly', #default is a RBF Kernel 'SVMType':'C', #default is C 'nu':None, # NU for SVM NU 'c':None, #C for SVM C - the slack variable 'degree':None, #degree for poly kernels - defaults to 3 'coef':None, #coef for Poly/Sigmoid defaults to 0 'gamma':None, #kernel param for poly/rbf/sigma - default is 1/#samples } svm = SVMClassifier(extractors,props) tree = TreeClassifier(extractors) trainPaths = [] n = 1 for folder in [x[0] for x in os.walk(path)]: if folder != path: trainPaths.append(folder) offset = trainPaths[1].replace("/", " ", trainPaths[1].count("/")-1).find("/") classes = [] for string in trainPaths: classes.append(string[offset-len(string)+1:]) testPaths = [] for string in trainPaths: testPaths.append(string.replace("pieces", "test")) print trainPaths print testPaths print classes print "SVM =================================================================" #print svm.train(trainPaths,classes,verbose=True) #print "TREE =================================================================" #print tree.train(trainPaths,classes,verbose=True) #print "SVM test =================================================================" #print svm.test(testPaths,classes,verbose=True) cam = Camera() disp = Display() n = 0 className = "Waiting...." while disp.isNotDone(): img = cam.getImage() if n > 4: className = svm.classify(img) n = 0 else: n +=1 img.drawText(className, 10, 10, fontsize=60, color=Color.RED) if disp.mouseRight: break #print "TREE test =================================================================" #print tree.test(testPaths,classes,verbose=True) # Original directory - originalwd = os.getcwd() # Change directory - os.chdir("/home/") disp.mouseX < 640"SVMClass") print os.getcwd()