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Jul '17

cbenson Regular

Right track

Using small 9g servos and cardboard should allow you to come up with a working design. You might base your design on:

You can use clear plastic from packaging or a dollar store, and make the head out of painted papier mache.

1 reply
Jul '17 ▶ cbenson


Small servos

Hi Cbenson,

thanks for the commen and suggestion. I’m happy to hear that it should work with those small servos. We’ll try to make the head also from the wood plates. I thought if it was a little heavy and can tilt, then it could help during walking by shifting the weight centre point. Means tilting the head to the left results to less weight on the right side of the robot. Then it is easier to lift the leg up.

The link you shared I already used to build my own one in red. I really need to share it here. During the assemby and while using it I recognised some weak points. One of it is the junction between the parts made by the servo plastic geared wheels. I see that it moves pretty much because such a junction is even not perfect. I know that there are servos with metall gears and flanges to connect metall pieces. That is really strong. But for my purpose here it’ll be too much. Therefore I’m searching for some clever simple joint.

If I found one I’ll share. :wink:

Jul '17

cbenson Regular


Ideally don’t add unecessary weight. If you want to move weight higher, just move the batteries :slight_smile:

1 reply
Jul '17 ▶ cbenson



This is a good idea! Thank you! I’ll try to integrate the battery into the head. Then it can uses the duck bot tilt feature a bit.

1 reply
Aug '17


So glad to see your daughter being into robots and building them! We need more girls and women in STEM!

I look forward to seeing the completed robot.

1 reply
Aug '17 ▶ neogirl101



Hi NeoGirl101,

I absolutely agree with you! And for me it seem girls and women are more creative while building robots then men. And that is wonderful.

I’ll keep this post updated, I promise.

Aug '17


What a cool robot! So unique… Excellent work to both of you!

1 reply
Aug '17 ▶ neogirl101



Thank you very much!

Aug '17 ▶ sandamol

cbenson Regular


Well done! You copied her drawing quite well. Hope she appreciates seeing it materialize and wants to continue and learn more.

1 reply
Aug '17 ▶ cbenson


Hope she will

Thank you. I let her do as much as possible. She loves her bot. Her sister helped with painting and they agreed that we need to build another bigger bot. I hope they can write the code soon. We will see.

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