Continue Discussion 11 replies
Apr '09


That really looks awesome,
That really looks awesome, would be great to see it in motion. What servos did you use? Pretty cool body plates, gives it an interesting look.

1 reply
Apr '09 ▶ robologist


thank you
thank you, sorry but i don’t have any video clips of it. but the one i am building now “A.L.I.A.” i plan on doing video clips. the servo’s i’ve used in the robo warrior were gws micro servos, mg995 servos & gws brute force servos. the front chest plate i made out of smooth-on smooth cast 300. made the mold & cast it… thanks again.i will post some info of a.l.i.a. soon.

1 reply
Apr '09


Cant wait to see more of

Cant wait to see more of your stuff!!

And I really hope you will post video as well.

Thanks for joining us :slight_smile:

1 reply
Apr '09 ▶ robonetix


How did the MG995 work out
How did the MG995 work out for you? There has been stories back and forth about them, but I’d really like to try some since they are pretty low cost. Looking forward to A.L.I.A., whhat is the acronym?

1 reply
Apr '09 ▶ fritsl


I really hope that it will
I really hope that it will be able to walk :slight_smile:

1 reply
Apr '09 ▶ robologist


mg995 servo’s

what i used with the servos was the ssc-32 servo control board. with the mini bot board from lynxmotion. i had no problems with them. i think the problem people are having with them they are typing in the wrong positioning code of the servos making the travel of the servo more then they can go causing it to burnout. or having them move moe weight then they can handle causing them to burnout. best thing to do is some research of the servo. again i have had no problems with the servos. a.l.i.a. means, assistant living intelligent android. it is being design to help elderly people that need help living at home alone. pickup things they drop, getting the phone for them, getting mail, dial 911 if needed etc. i will post more about a.l.i.a.


Apr '09 ▶ noise0


it does walk:)

it does walk and does everything the khr-1 can do .mine is moves abit faster then the khr-1 does .

thankz :slight_smile:

Apr '09



Apr '09


absolutelty amazing! how

absolutelty amazing! how long did it take? how much money? are all the parts designed and fabricated by you? it looks like i could buy that! (not saying you did, btw!)


i love it, would love to see a video though!

1 reply
May '09 ▶ echorobotics


Thank You :slight_smile:

Thank you. it took me 6 months to build & about 1 month to make all programming for all the functions. it cost me about $2400.00 to build. on this robot i only made the shells. the servo brackets i got from lynxmotion. but on my NEW robot A.L.I.A. i am making all my brackets, shell & few pc boards. im sorry but i don’t have any video clips of the robo warrior before i sold it on Ebay, but i will be sure to do the video clips of A.L.I.A. & more detail pictures. shes going to also have working hands with fingers. i will post more about A.L.I.A. soon.

Thank You :slight_smile:

1 reply